REVOLVE Art & Craft | Public lunch and sustainable design call

Pranzo pubblico e design sostenibile al mercato comunale Montegani
/ Public Lunch and sustainable design to the Municipal Market Montegani

9 aprile 2014 | ore 13-21/ 9 April 2014 | 1-9 p.m.

Questo è un invito a partecipare ad una giornata dedicata ai complementi di arredo di Design sostenibile  al Mercato con performance di 10 giovani designer selezionati dalla giuria, per esporre piatti, bicchieri, sedie, tavoli e altri complementi di arredo e abbigliamento legati alla Tavola e al cibo nel mercato coperto Montegani, oggi in parte sottoutilizzato. Incontro pubblico ore 13.30 con Assessore al Commercio Franco D’Alfonso e MARKTHALLE Berlin.  Vuoi essere uno dei 10 designer? Partecipa!  | Scarica il bando e il modulo partecipazione: revolve art &craft 9.04.14 | revolve art &craft FORMAT I | revolve art &craft 9.04.14 DEBATE Markthalle


Public Lunch and sustainable design to the Municipal Market Montegani
9 April 2014 | 1-9 p.m.

This is an invitation to participate to a day dedicated to furnishing of Sustainable Design at the Municipal Market with performances by 10 young designers selected by the jury, to expose dishes, glasses, chairs, tables and other furnishings
and Workwear concerning the Table and food. Public lunch and debate at 1.30 P.M. with Franco D’Alfonso- Councillor for Commerce and Tourism and MARKTHALLE Berlin. You want to be one of these 10 designers? Participate ! The event will be located inside the Montegani Market, now partially under-utilized. Dowload the call and the form : revolve art &craft 9.04.14 English | revolve art &craft FORMAT E | revolve art &craft 9.04.14 DEBATE Markthalle

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