The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a mobile device to promote Convivial Ground and collaborative welfare, in Milan.
It has been activated at Stecca3, Via De Castillia 26 during the Milan Design Week 2024, and it will be able to move and activate a proximity economy in other socio-cultural hybrid spaces and neighborhood.

On Tuesday 16th the KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY has hosted the Public Talk:

“NEW STORE, towards alternative forms of exchange”
A conversation with:
Francien van Westrenen _head of AgencyNieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam
Matteo Poli_ Faculty of Architecture Politecnico di Milano
Syb Groeneveld_ Executive Director, Creative Industries Fund NL. Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie (NL)
Piervito Antoniazzi_ DUC Isola, District of Commerce Isola
Peter Zuiderwijk _Constructlab, Collective Works (NL)
Introduction and moderation: Isabella Inti _Stecca3, Temporiuso

Thank you all for this fertile exchange and dialogue!
KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY is a project of: Collective Works , ConstructLab and Temporiuso
In collaboration with: BRICHECO social carpentry
Promoted by Stecca3 sociocultural hybrid space
With the support of: Stimuleringfonds

KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY is part of CRAFTING DIALOGUES the public program of talks, exhibitions and installations of artisan design curated by Stecca3, hybrid space and socio-cultural centre, as part of the Isola Design District for Fuori Salone 2024 and in collaboration with Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, IAAD. Institute of Applied Art and Design, Accademia Italiana, SAE Institut, ISIA Urbino, cultural partners Constructlab, Collective Works (NL), Temporiuso, technical partners such as BRIChECO social carpentry, FERCAM Echo Lab, +bc ciclofficina, Mirror, the participation of designers Italian and international such as Giulio Iacchetti and Matteo Ragni or Lidi Bus (NL), with the contribution of Stimuleringsfonds and the support of the Dutch Consulate in Milan.
#milanodesignweek #milandesignweek2024 #fuorisalone

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