LAGUNAfuori/ PLUMBLINGthelagoon | international workshop 11-16 September 2023

LagunaFuori/Plumbing the lagoon

A harvestmap of regenerative opportunities for the Venice Lagoon

International workshop | 11th-16th September 2023

Part of The Biennale as metabolism parallel programme to Plumbing the System, the exhibition curated by Superuse Studios, in the Dutch Pavilion at the 18th International Exhibition la Biennale di Venezia 2023. For Plumbing the System, commissioned by Het Nieuwe Instituut. Edited by Temporiuso srl in collaboration with IUAV University.

An International workshop on a possible Biennale metabolism towards the whole Venice lagoon, creating a Harvestmap, as an inventory and knowledge support program for local stakeholders.

Is a Metabolism of living possible? In which empty buildings, but also open spaces and unpopulated islands can be inhabited and cared by temporary inhabitants (biennale workforces, students, conscious tourists) and the third sector.

Is a Metabolism of work possible? Where artisan knowledge, local companies, production traditions can exchange knowledge with biennale international expert skills.

A Metabolism of food production is possible (during the Biennale events and beyond)? Attentive to enhancing local cultures and traditions, respecting other animal species, innovating and restoring a direct relationship between producer and consumer, contributing to a greater balance in Venice’s lagoon ecosystem.

The space, economy and water system of the Venice Lagoon will be discussed and co-planned with students and experts, starting from those main questions and critical issues.


international workshop | 11-16th September 2023

Cotonificio ex Magazzini Iuav and Ca’ Bucari

(4 cfu) 15 students will be selected.
Short cv and motivation letter to and

Scientific Coordinator

Isabella Inti Politecnico di Milano and temporiso srl
Giulia Cantaluppi Università Iuav and temporiuso srl
Jan Jongert Superuse Studios and curator of Dutch Pavilion at the 18th International Exhibition la Biennale di Venezia 2023
Scientific Supervision Luca Velo Università Iuav

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