WHAT HAPPENS TO THE STREETS OF PRISHTINA? workshop in Kosovo 22nd July-2nd August 2013

Temporiuso. net goes to Kosovo! you want to participate?

WHAT HAPPENS TO THE STREETS OF PRISHTINA. Temporary architecture and elective community devices, It will be a workshop from 22nd July to 2nd August at the University of Prishtina, International Summer University 2013, open to 25 international students.

The University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” invite Isabella Inti (prof. arch. Politecnico di Milano and Visiting professor Uni Prishtina) to coordinate the workshop for the Summer University 2013 with the co-professor Rozafa Basha (Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, UNI Prishtina) and 2 experts involved, Giulia Cantaluppi (Temporiuso.net association) and Gyler Mydyti (PhD candidate Politecnico di Milano, Visiting PhD Marne la Vallée, Paris).

For more informations:info WHSP | Apply now ! 


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