Archivi per la categoria ‘news’
Milano ArchWeek 2024 | MUST BE THE PLACE
22 maggio | ore 17
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci , Politecnico di Milano
In occasione di Milano Archweek 2024 siamo lieti di invitarvi al seminario internazionale:
International seminar to compare temporary uses, practices and devices for the activation of public space, starting from the Kiosk of Reciprocity in Milan and Kiosk of Solidarity in Berlin projects.
ANTONELLA BRUZZESE_ dir. M-US-T Master Temporary Uses, DAStU Politecnico di Milano
ISABELLA INTI _ Temporiuso, co-dir. M-US-T Master Temporary Uses, DAStU Politecnico di Milano
MORITZ AHLERT_ Habitat Unit TU Berlin, curator progetto ricerca Kiosk of Solidarity di Berlino
ROBERTA MASTROPIRRO_ Stecca3, spazio ibrido socioculturale
Ne discutono con:
MATTEO RUTA, NINA BASSOLI_ curatori di Archweek 2024
Il Kiosk of Reciprocity per la rete spazi ibridi socioculturali di Milano e il Kiosk of Solidarity per la rete Urbane Praxis di Berlino nascono per attivare spazi di convivialità, promuovere conoscenza su criticità e urgenze urbane, sostenere un’economia collaborativa delle comunità locali.
TABULA REUSE _ materiali da riusare e riciclare dal 2 al 15 maggio
TABULA REUSE _ materiali da riusare e riciclare dal 2 al 15 maggio
Vi ricordate la ricerca TABULA REUSE a cura di Temporiuso e alcuni studenti del Politecnico di Milano?
L’idea e la pratica di riusare e riciclare materiali provenienti da disallestimenti di grandi e piccoli eventi, demolizioni di edifici e sbancamenti di spazi residuali prima dell’avvio dei cantieri, sgomberi di locali … è una pratica avviata da molte realtà anche di studi architettura, design, landscape per il redesign di oggetti e complementi di arredo. Nella proposta di Temporiuso con TABULA REUSE anche la possibilità di riusare e riciclare i materiali per redesign di tetti, partizioni, pavimenti e infrastrutture edilizie.
Sta per iniziare un nuovo cantiere a Piazzale Loreto ed ecco le prime occasioni per un progetto di Metabolismo urbano. Quali oggetti e materiali sono a disposizione? Diversi banconi frigo, tavoli armadiati in acciaio, librerie e arredi in legno…. qui le schede.
Per informazioni più dettagliate e per sopralluogo e ritiro, scrivete a:
Nei mesi di febbraio, marzo e aprile, LOC2026, spazio di informazione sul progetto della futura Piazza Loreto è stato punto di incontro e discussione sul progetto della piazza con numerosi studenti e studentesse di scuole superiori del quartiere e di università milanesi e internazionali.
Un ringraziamento speciale al Liceo Classico Carducci e alla Professoressa Cecilia Scatturin per gli incontri svolti son le classi prime.
Alla Professoressa Francesca Cognetti e al Professore Alessandro Coppola, alle tutor Alice Alessandri, Samantha Bellotti e Rossella Ferro e alle studentesse e studenti del Laboratorio di Urbanistica 3 della Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica e Ingegneria delle Costruzioni del Politecnico di Milano, che hanno visitato LOC2026 come punto di partenza per le loro analisi sul territorio di Piazzale Loreto e Via Padova, affrontando i temi delle grandi trasformazioni urbane, dell’orientamento all’ascolto e dialogo e degli impatti sui quartieri generati da queste trasformazioni.
A special thanks to the Students and Mentors from the Masters program of Urbanism and Spatial planning of Antwerp University, for coming to visit LOC2026, in order to know more about Piazza Loreto project and about the neighbourhood work tha Temporiuso, with the project team, is daily conducting in LOC2026 information hub.
Edited by: Collective Works , ConstructLab and Temporiuso
In collaboration with: BRICHECO social carpentry
The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a mobile device to promote Convivial Ground and collaborative welfare, in Milan.
The Kiosk was inaugurated at Stecca3, Via De Castillia 26 during the Milan Design Week 2024, and it will be able to move and activate a proximity economy in other socio-cultural hybrid spaces and neighbourhood.
How is an independent sociocultural space sustainable today? What self-organized services are offered to a neighborhood? What type of Economy of Proximity?
The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a solidarity economy device, food and drinks (the “birrette”) contribute to the support of socio-cultural activities. The kiosk is a cart, a modular cargo-bike that can move around the city, in the different neighborhoods to support the economy of other hybrid spaces and promote conviviality in public spaces. The proximity kiosk for hybrid spaces in Milan is the sister of the Kiosk of Solidarity, created in Berlin by Constructlab to give space in a convivial way to the debate on inequalities and new forms of living, fragility, conflicts and new alliances in urban transformations. Come and chat at the kiosk!
Edited by:
Stecca3, spazio ibrido socioculturale_ promoter
Collective Works _ Peter Zuiderwijk, Karin Mientjes
ConstructLab_ Patrik Hubmann, Alex Römer
Temporiuso_ Isabella Inti, Giulia Cantaluppi, Francesca Tridello, Ziyi Li
In collaboration with: BRICHECO falegnameria sociale _ Lidia Pezzoli, Claudio Pignatta
With the support of: Stimuleringsfonds
Thanks to: Cecilia_+bc ciclofficina Stecca, lo chef Cesare_restaurant Ratanà, the hybrid space network of Milan.
The project is part of:
“CRAFTING DIALOGUES. Public meetings, design exhibitions and installations to bring handicraft, stories and knowledge into dialogue.”
Stecca3 public program for Milano Design Week 2024 – Fuori Salone
The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a mobile device to promote Convivial Ground and collaborative welfare, in Milan.
It has been activated at Stecca3, Via De Castillia 26 during the Milan Design Week 2024, and it will be able to move and activate a proximity economy in other socio-cultural hybrid spaces and neighborhoods.
On Thursday 18th the KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY has hosted the Public Talk:
“KIOSK of RECIPROCITY, which Economy of proximity?”
A conversation with:
Syb Groeneveld_ Executive Director, Creative Industries Fund NL. Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie (NL)
Alex Römer _Constructlab, Transnational Network engaging with Communities through Architecture and Design (D)
Peter Zuiderwijk _Constructlab, Collective Works (NL)
Giulia Cantaluppi_ Temporiuso
Roberta Mastropirro_ Stecca3
Ellen Zoete_ Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam
Antonella Bruzzese _Politecnico di Milano, M-US-T Master Temporary Uses
Rete Spazi Ibridi Socioculturali
Introduction and moderation:
Isabella Inti _Politecnico di Milano, M-US-T Master Temporary Uses
Thank you all for this fertile exchange and dialogue!
KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY is a project of: Collective Works , ConstructLab and Temporiuso
In collaboration with: BRICHECO social carpentry
Promoted by Stecca3 sociocultural hybrid space
With the support of: Stimuleringfonds
The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a mobile device to promote Convivial Ground and collaborative welfare, in Milan.
It has been activated at Stecca3, Via De Castillia 26 during the Milan Design Week 2024, and it will be able to move and activate a proximity economy in other socio-cultural hybrid spaces and neighborhood.
On Wednesday 17th the KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY has hosted the Public Talk:
A conversation with:
Luca Velo_ IUAV University of Venice
Nadia Troeman _Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam (NL)
Zachary Jones_ Faculty of Architecture Politecnico di Milano
Mattia Cherubini_ Lineculture (BS23 former Italian Capital of Culture)
Giulia Cantaluppi _Temporiuso
Alex Römer _Constructlab, Transnational Network engaging with Communities through Architecture and Design (D)
Rete Spazi Ibridi Socioculturali
Introduction and moderation: Isabella Inti _ Stecca3, Faculty of Architecture Politecnico di Milano
Thank you all for this fertile exchange and dialogue!
KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY is a project of: Collective Works , ConstructLab and Temporiuso
In collaboration with: BRICHECO social carpentry
Promoted by Stecca3 sociocultural hybrid space
With the support of: Stimuleringfonds
KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY is part of CRAFTING DIALOGUES the public program of talks, exhibitions and installations of artisan design curated by Stecca3, hybrid space and socio-cultural centre, as part of the Isola Design District for Fuori Salone 2024 and in collaboration with Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, IAAD. Institute of Applied Art and Design, Accademia Italiana, SAE Institut, ISIA Urbino, cultural partners Constructlab, Collective Works (NL), Temporiuso, technical partners such as BRIChECO social carpentry, FERCAM Echo Lab, +bc ciclofficina, Mirror, the participation of designers Italian and international such as Giulio Iacchetti and Matteo Ragni or Lidi Bus (NL), with the contribution of Stimuleringsfonds and the support of the Dutch Consulate in Milan.
The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a mobile device to promote Convivial Ground and collaborative welfare, in Milan.
It has been activated at Stecca3, Via De Castillia 26 during the Milan Design Week 2024, and it will be able to move and activate a proximity economy in other socio-cultural hybrid spaces and neighborhood.
On Tuesday 16th the KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY has hosted the Public Talk:
“NEW STORE, towards alternative forms of exchange”
A conversation with:
Francien van Westrenen _head of AgencyNieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam
Matteo Poli_ Faculty of Architecture Politecnico di Milano
Syb Groeneveld_ Executive Director, Creative Industries Fund NL. Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie (NL)
Piervito Antoniazzi_ DUC Isola, District of Commerce Isola
Peter Zuiderwijk _Constructlab, Collective Works (NL)
Introduction and moderation: Isabella Inti _Stecca3, Temporiuso
Thank you all for this fertile exchange and dialogue!
KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY is a project of: Collective Works , ConstructLab and Temporiuso
In collaboration with: BRICHECO social carpentry
Promoted by Stecca3 sociocultural hybrid space
With the support of: Stimuleringfonds
KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY is part of CRAFTING DIALOGUES the public program of talks, exhibitions and installations of artisan design curated by Stecca3, hybrid space and socio-cultural centre, as part of the Isola Design District for Fuori Salone 2024 and in collaboration with Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, IAAD. Institute of Applied Art and Design, Accademia Italiana, SAE Institut, ISIA Urbino, cultural partners Constructlab, Collective Works (NL), Temporiuso, technical partners such as BRIChECO social carpentry, FERCAM Echo Lab, +bc ciclofficina, Mirror, the participation of designers Italian and international such as Giulio Iacchetti and Matteo Ragni or Lidi Bus (NL), with the contribution of Stimuleringsfonds and the support of the Dutch Consulate in Milan.
#milanodesignweek #milandesignweek2024 #fuorisalone
KIOSK OF RECIPROCITY | Milano Design Week 2024 – Fuori Salone
Milano Design Week 2024 – Fuori Salone
Edited by: Collective Works , ConstructLab and Temporiuso
In collaboration with: BRICHECO social carpentry
The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a mobile device to promote Convivial Ground and collaborative welfare, in Milan. It will be inaugurated at Stecca3, Via De Castillia 26 during the Milan Design Week 2024, and will be able to move and activate a proximity economy in other socio-cultural hybrid spaces and neighbourhood.
How is an independent sociocultural space sustainable today? What self-organized services are offered to a neighborhood? What type of Economy of Proximity?
The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a solidarity economy device, food and drinks (the “birrette”) contribute to the support of socio-cultural activities. The kiosk is a cart, a modular cargo-bike that can move around the city, in the different neighborhoods to support the economy of other hybrid spaces and promote conviviality in public spaces. The proximity kiosk for hybrid spaces in Milan is the sister of the Kiosk of Solidarity, created in Berlin by Constructlab to give space in a convivial way to the debate on inequalities and new forms of living, fragility, conflicts and new alliances in urban transformations. Come and chat at the kiosk!
The project is part of:
“CRAFTING DIALOGUES. Public meetings, design exhibitions and installations to bring handicraft, stories and knowledge into dialogue.”
Stecca3 public program for Milano Design Week 2024 – Fuori Salone
Edited by:
Stecca3, spazio ibrido socioculturale_ promoter
Collective Works _ Peter Zuiderwijk, Karin Mientjes
ConstructLab_ Patrik Hubmann, Alex Römer
Temporiuso_ Isabella Inti, Giulia Cantaluppi, Francesca Tridello, Ziyi Li
In collaboration with: BRICHECO falegnameria sociale _ Lidia Pezzoli, Claudio Pignatta
With the support of: Stimuleringsfonds
Thanks to: Cecilia_+bc ciclofficina stecca, lo chef Cesare_restaurant Ratanà, the hybrid space network of Milan.
#milandesignweek2024 #fuorisalone #kioskofreciprocity
Milano Design Week 2024 – Fuori Salone
We’re waiting you tomorrow for the OPENING at 5pm
at Stecca3 sociocultural center
Edited by: Collective Works , ConstructLab and Temporiuso
In collaboration with: BRICHECO social carpentry
The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a mobile device to promote Convivial Ground and collaborative welfare, in Milan. It will be inaugurated at Stecca3, Via De Castillia 26 during the Milan Design Week 2024, and will be able to move and activate a proximity economy in other socio-cultural hybrid spaces and neighbourhood.
How is an independent sociocultural space sustainable today? What self-organized services are offered to a neighborhood? What type of Economy of Proximity?
The Kiosk of Reciprocity is a solidarity economy device, food and drinks (the “birrette”) contribute to the support of socio-cultural activities. The kiosk is a cart, a modular cargo-bike that can move around the city, in the different neighborhoods to support the economy of other hybrid spaces and promote conviviality in public spaces. The proximity kiosk for hybrid spaces in Milan is the sister of the Kiosk of Solidarity, created in Berlin by Constructlab to give space in a convivial way to the debate on inequalities and new forms of living, fragility, conflicts and new alliances in urban transformations. Come and chat at the kiosk!
Edited by:
Stecca3, spazio ibrido socioculturale_ promoter
Collective Works _ Peter Zuiderwijk, Karin Mientjes
ConstructLab_ Patrik Hubmann, Alex Römer
Temporiuso_ Isabella Inti, Giulia Cantaluppi, Francesca Tridello, Ziyi Li
In collaboration with: BRICHECO falegnameria sociale _ Lidia Pezzoli, Claudio Pignatta
With the support of: Stimuleringsfonds
Thanks to: Cecilia_+bc ciclofficina stecca, lo chef Cesare_restaurant Ratanà, the hybrid space network of Milan.
#milandesignweek2024 #fuorisalone #kioskofreciprocity